Sunday 10 June 2007

Same Sh*t - Different Day

In the last three weeks nothing changed with my lifestyle, everything small thing that amounted to spending fell in my lap. As a result I spent close to £400 on the car, used credit cards, lost all budgeting for food skills and basically fell flat on my face. I wasted two days this week in a state of panic, a sweaty, no sleep, stomach churning, shaky panic. I never want to feel that way again. Was making myself ill.

An epiphany ? Perhaps, but if it was then I'd know. Get head back where it should be, everything back in focus, positive mental attitude. Get back on the wagon. Need to adjust my figures on what's the cost and avoid all silly spending.


1. Become a domestic goddess today and make this house the palace it should be.
2. Start all pay per clicks, lottos and comps again.

I want to make some headway.


DubLiMan said...

It sounds like your on your way. Take a look at my site. It may be helpful.

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