Tuesday 3 April 2007

Checking in.

08.10 So last puff was at 6.45 this morning. Can't say there was a dawn of realisation, but then there wasn't a feeling of panic either. There is a feeling of calm and control.
Within an hour - almost to the minute actually, the nicotine monster awoke, suggested it was feeding time. But see that's not going to happen again. It can shrivel up and die.
I've got the silkquit meter running, but I'm not sure it's right for me.. It tells me what I haven't done, not what I have. I'm not sacrificing anything by stopping, so don't need to know what I haven't sacrificed ! IYSWIM.
So I'm going to do a daily non-smokers update on my blog, until I get bored with it/novelty of blogging about being a non-smoker wears off. !
The main reason for my blog was to nail that damn credit card, statement due this week.

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