Monday, 14 April 2008


A horrible week at work last week, a phone bill and some hiccups in family life made for a big dip in my mental attitude. I don't like being negative, but that was the flow of things last week. I'm actually of the belief that I don't think I've had the real lightbulb moment yet.

I found an old diary from 1989 in which I had entered the amount I earned each week. At 21 I was earning nearly twice the amount I am earning now. But then at 21 I had a mortgage no kids went on exotic holidays every year and more importantly no financial savvy.

This is food for thought.


Anonymous said...

hi jo. sorry you had a bad week at work again, could you possibly look for another job as that place seems to be bringing you down (I know what its like, my workplace is the same)

Regards the lightbulb moment, are you putting too much pressure on yourself to clear the debt, kids can be expensive and the constant demands are hard to cope with, another thing I know, perhaps reassessing your debt free date would help :)

Anonymous said...

sent you a pm :)

Syd said...

Thank you Laura - I've only been in this job 10 months, I'm going to do a year and set my sights a little higher on the employment front.

FB @ said...

A bad week sucks.. that's for sure. It brings you down for the beginning of the next week

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

When it rains it poors which is always hard isn't it? Hope things settle down.
I found your blog via no more spending. I started my personal finance blog yesterday.
I really like your blog, may I add you to my blogroll?

Syd said...

Thanks Fab, dwelling on it and feeling sorry for myself did nothing, so shaken it off now .

Notes - feel free to add me and thank you. Will happily add you too. Look forward to seeing your progress.