Sunday, 9 December 2007

Oh Christmas tree !

The Christmas tree made it's annual trip from the attic this week along with the collection of tree decorations we have amassed over the years....and the lights.

Oh the lights. Like hundreds of other homes we unravelled the lights we used last year plugged them in wait for the 100 bulbs to glow. Nothing. Go through the whole set, checking fuses pushing bulbs in checking for signs of blown bulbs. Still Nothing. Admittedly this set of lights has worked for the last three years.

While out in town yesterday I check the big local household stores, only choices are foil angel lights, multicoloured flowers or snowballs, no thanks. I only like white lights me, don't know why I just do. Local bargain bucket shop has some for £8.99, no replacement bulbs and a glow, fade, dance etc option. I hate the fact that these might not work next year, but looking at the prices I paid on the last sets these will do.

I have to say our artificial tree is old. I wish had a snapshot of each Christmas it's stood in the corner. We bought it for £60 in 1990, our first proper Christmas together, some of the baubles show their age, but doesn't a Christmas tree tell a story ? Yes there's everything from 'Baby's first Christmas' in 1994 given by a neighbour, to a half chewed robin with one eye thanks to our dog in his puppy days. I'm not sure it will last another year, the kids think it's time is up. We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jo, our tree is the same, it's falling apart. I'm not buying another though it's going to have to last a bit longer.