Sunday 23 December 2007


They've done it. And it happens every year. I am always resolute that I will not slave in the kitchen over a turkey each Christmas. I was determind to go for a chicken. By early December they start chipping away at me. They being those 3 menfolk I share my life with. They want turkey. Blurgh ! And those horrid sausage/bacon garnishes, yeuch !

Me - I'm a wannabe vegetarian, just don't have the discipline yet. I know I'd change my diet if I saw a glimpse of a slaughter house. My morals are protected at the moment, but I'm pretty sure the time will come.

So I've been beaten again. In 72 hours I will be protesting at the fact I did it again, how much is left, how I didn't enjoy it.

All grumbling aside, had a rough nights sleep, coughing and the like, but eventually slept and had a lie-in. Feel good and have a mountain of sympathy for anyone venturing out to any retail orientated area today.

Will continue on my mission to clean the house today.


FB @ said...

I'm with you. A chicken is MUCH tastier and easier to prepare. Make a chicken and pretend it's a turkey :P

wealthy_1 said...

Will they eat just the turkey breast? I've made that from time to time. It's much quicker and easier.

Happy holidays and thanks for reading my blog!

Syd said...

Fab & Wealthy_1
Thanks for the suggestions. Mr Marbles came home with a turkey crown on Saturday so at least it's not the whole caboosh.