Sunday 28 October 2007

Car Trouble

Having read the recent car troubles other PF bloggers have experienced I had been counting my blessings. Right up until yesterday.

I'm no mechanic - wish I was. Loud clunk whilst moving off at a roundabout (my jargon leaves a lot to be desired) yesterday afternoon, now feels like driving a 10 ton diesel truck. Got to get it to the garage on Monday somehow. I think perhaps I'll call the AA first as I'm quite scared to drive it. A search on a few forums and I've made a self diagnosis that it's an engine or gearbox mount.

Mr Marbles is convinced it's just the fact the coolant was low, (he wasn't in the car when the 'clunking' happened ) and can't hear any difference in the cars movement. But then he doesn't drive it, and he's also no mechanic.

I've only had it for a year, it's 7 years old and I love it. So if there is car fairy out there please don't let it be expensive.


Louise said...

Oh no, must be the month for car trouble!
it's a bit like that flu that somehow went round the blogosphere last month!
I hope it works out not to expensive.

Anonymous said...

Bummer...I hope it won't be too expensive. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about the car trouble, I didn't mean to pass it around, promise! I hope the thing gets running soon...