Saturday 13 October 2007

Snowball Reversal

I'm guilty by my absence. Things just snowballed this week, the wrong way. Had to be here there and everywhere, my time was not properly managed as a result I ended up buying groceries on the hoof so to speak. Throw in one lost school sweatshirt, football fees and a leaving collection at work I'm in mini meltdown again.

I think I need to take the cash only route. It's not that I use credit cards, it's my friendly debit card that gets plastered. As I've reported before I pop in to local supermarket to buy one thing, milk or dog food whatever, and it ends up being a £20 visit. I've done this twice this week and the £160 budget is now down to £126. In fours days. Keep going like this and I'll be £80 over budget.

On the plus side I've made £28 on ebay, and no I haven't put Michael Jackson up yet.

Need an inspiration catch up with other PF Blogs :)


Anonymous said...

we all have bad days/weeks the trick is not to give up...keep positive, you can do this!

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)